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Drug Rehab in Cape Town

Give yourself the best chance to rebuild your life.

Welcome to Harmony Drug Rehab in Cape Town. One of South Africa’s leading drug rehab centres, we are here to help people struggling with addiction and are based in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. How can we assist? 

    Rehab South Africa
    Rehab in South Africa
    Drug Rehab SA
    Rehab SA
    Drug Rehab in South Africa

    Harmony is registered with the Department of Health and the Department Of Social Development. It is a member of the National Hospital Network and the Psychiatric Focus Forum.

    Rehab in Cape Town
    Drug Rehab in Cape Town

    Why Rehab in Cape Town, South Africa?

    Harmony Clinic rehab provides the best chance of getting through addiction.

    Harmony is  a drug rehab centre in Cape Town offering holistic therapy for substance abuse that helps people to rebuild their lives and return home to their loved ones. We treat people suffering from the chronic and progressive addiction to alcohol, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, tik, prescription drugs, as well as food, sex, gambling and other process addictions.

    In everything we do, the team at Harmony is professional, compassionate, welcoming, solution-orientated, non-judgmental and caring.

    Harmony’s rehab programme is globally aligned, scientifically proven and at the forefront of rehabilitation thinking, combining the treatment of mental health and substance abuse. This, supported by an ideal location and supportive staff, gives our clients the very best chance of making a full recovery the first time around.

    At Harmony Clinic’s rehab centre in Cape Town, we’ve been helping people struggling with addiction for over 12 years. Ready to break free from the chains of addiction?  For support, contact our helpline here: +27 (0)21 790 7779 or Email:

    Rehab  Clinic Booking Essential:

      10 Reasons Clients Rate Harmony Clinic the #1 Rehab

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      Dual Diagnosis Rehab Facility

      We are a fully licensed facility in South Africa, able to treat clients with substance use disorders and/or mental health concerns, thereby focusing on all of the client’s needs.

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      Inclusive of Family and Employers

      We work hand in hand with our clients’ families, employers and referring professionals to enhance the chance of a success story.

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      13 Years’ Experience

      We have over a decade of experience, giving people suffering from addiction the very best chance of recovery.

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      Ideal Location and Facility

      We are based in the scenic valley of Hout Bay in Cape Town, surrounded by mountains and ocean. Our facility offers comfortable accommodation with the option of a private room, good food, a tennis court, gym and swimming pool. In addition, clients have access to our beautiful surroundings, including walks on the local beaches and nearby mountain hikes. All of this forms part of the daily treatment programme.

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      Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Team

      We are made up of leading psychiatrists, experienced Detox GP’s, psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, addiction councillors and registered nurses. Every team member represents what we stand for – caring, compassionate, professional, experienced and competent.

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      Medical Aid Covered and Facilitated

      A big barrier to rehabilitation programmes is the cost. We work with most medical aids to cover drug and alcoholic rehab treatment. This means you have access to the best care, without the prohibitive cost. What’s more, we will take care of all the administration and paperwork so you don’t have to…

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      Specialised Detox Unit

      We are one of the few facilities with a specialised medically managed detox unit with 24-hour care.

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      Here for life

      Our intention is to be the last rehabilitation facility a client will ever visit. They will either make a full recovery first time round or they will continue their recovery process with us. Either way, we are always here for them.

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      Registered and Certified

      We are registered with the Department of Health and the Department of Social Development, as well as being a member of the National Hospital Network and the Psychiatric Focus Forum.

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      Trauma-Informed Addiction Treatment

      Addiction is often linked to an underlying trauma. This is usually identified in the first few weeks of rehabilitation and we offer a secondary care programme focussing on resolving this trauma. Research shows that clients who spend a longer time in a rehabilitation programme, have a better chance of success and leading happy lives.

      A World Class Rehab Programme in Cape Town, South Africa

      We take a scientific and medical approach to our rehabilitation programme. Combining the latest research in drug and alcohol addiction and the Minnesota Alternative Model of Addiction Treatment, we help our clients to rebuild their lives and return home to their loved ones.

      The programme begins with a medically managed detox. We are one of a handful of facilities in South Africa with a specialised detox unit. We believe that this is a critical stage of starting the recovery process.

      Our Drug Rehab treatment team addresses substance abuse, mental health and trauma issues at the same time. We help clients to understand how past and current experiences affect their choices and behaviour. Addiction is often linked to an underlying trauma, which is usually identified in the first few weeks of rehabilitation, and we offer a secondary care programme focussing on resolving this trauma. This often means an extended stay.

      Harmony Clinic provides the following specialised rehabilitation treatment:

      Our driving force is for clients to lead happy and healthy lives after the programme and always feel part of our family. Working together, therapists and clients develop a Continuous Care programme that connects them with support groups and other resources within and outside of Harmony. This approach is not limited to drug rehabilitation but extends to our gambling addiction rehab as well.

      We have many resources for clients and their loved ones, ensuring comprehensive support throughout the recovery journey. Our gambling addiction rehab offers specialised therapy sessions, support groups, and tailored recovery plans to help individuals regain control over their lives. Additionally, we foster a large community of past clients who regularly meet and offer one another support, creating a robust network of encouragement and shared experiences. Whether you are overcoming drug addiction or gambling addiction, you will find a compassionate and dedicated community ready to support you at Harmony.


      Choose to begin and continue your treatment journey in Cape Town, South Africa.

      Harmony Clinic - Rehab Cape Town, Drug Rehab and Private Addiction Rehabilitation Hospital Cape Town

      Download the Harmony brochure

        4-step linear approach ensures the best chance of success

        Harmony Clinic - Rehab Cape Town, Drug Rehab and Private Addiction Rehabilitation Hospital Cape Town

        Meet Our Team

        Our Drug rehab team is made up of leading psychiatrists, experienced Detox GP’s, psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, addiction councillors and registered nurses. Every team member represents what Harmony stands for – caring, compassionate, professional, experienced and competent.

        SA drug rehab

        Siobhan Alford

        Hospital Manager

        Siobhan runs the facility and will ensure your stay is a smooth as possible.

        South African rehab

        Jeané Coetzee


        Jeanè runs the clinical programme and ensures a tailor-made treatment process for each and every client.

        Harmony Clinic South Africa

        Kyle Collins

        Head of Admissions

        As your first connection to Harmony, Kyle will help you with a smooth admission process.

        Rehab South Africa

        Nicky Liebenberg

        Nursing Manager

        Nicky ensures that all your medical needs are taken care of.

        A Beautiful Rehab Cape Town Facility

        Harmony can be found in the beautiful village of Hout Bay in Cape Town. Our location is surrounded by mountains and the sea, offering a tranquil environment for rehabilitation and making it one of the most picturesque rehabilitation centres in cape town. 

        Clients can make use of our gym, swimming pool and tennis court, as well as the table tennis and pool table in the games room. Apart from the programme activities, clients can go for mountain hikes, walks on the beach and a variety of other expeditions.

        For those who wish, a private suite can be arranged.

        At Harmony Clinic’s rehab centre in Cape Town, our team of  leading mental health professionals have been helping people struggling with addiction and mental health for over 12 years. Ready to break free from the chains of addiction?  Although based in beautiful Hout Bay, Cape Town, we have helped Clients from many local and international locations, who choose to rehab in South Africa
        Mental health disorders and addictions are treatable, and you can make a lasting recovery. We are dedicated to walking you through this journey. For support, contact our helpline here: +27 (0)21 790 7779 or Email:
        South African drug rehab
        SA Rehab

        What Our Clients Say

        Frequently Asked Rehab Questions

        Addiction can feel like an anchor, dragging individuals down to the depths of despair. But rehab in Cape Town helps cut the chain, offering a lifeline toward a brighter future. In South Africa, drug misuse is a pervasive issue affecting thousands of people, and specialised rehabilitation centres in Cape Town are leading the charge in the fight against addiction.

        Cape Town isn’t just a picturesque city by the sea; it’s a sanctuary where healing can flourish. With a mild climate, stunning landscapes, and world-class facilities, it provides the ideal backdrop for recovery. Rehab centres here combine evidence-based treatments with the serene natural beauty to offer an environment conducive to holistic healing.

        Yes, many medical aid schemes have realised that contributing to drug and alcohol rehab is a crucial way to keep their clients healthy and avoid the long-term costs of substance abuse. Addiction affects everyone differently, and recovery therapy often requires significant investment in time and money. Medical aids include rehab coverage in their plans to minimise the risks and costs associated with untreated addiction. 

        At Harmony Clinic, a drug rehab in Cape Town, we have expertise in working with different medical aid schemes. We consult with your provider to clarify the benefits available and ensure you receive the coverage you are entitled to, providing you or your loved ones with an accessible and effective treatment journey.

        Addiction can deeply impact your life, causing disruptions in relationships, work, and overall health. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation can offer a realistic and optimistic outlook for the future, helping patients build the tools needed for a sustained recovery. 

        Some of the biggest benefits include:

        • Counselling: Counselling provides a supportive, non-judgmental environment where clients can face the reality of their addiction. Learning effective coping strategies and developing healthier responses to stressors helps clients navigate life more confidently.
        • Medical Assistance: The detoxification process can be challenging and may require medical intervention, especially for substances like alcohol, which can cause severe complications. Harmony Clinic provides medical assistance during this period, ensuring clients undergo a safe and supported detox.
        • Restoring Sociability: Addiction often isolates people, damaging personal and professional relationships. We create a supportive community where clients learn to socialise, build healthy connections, and restore their relationships with family, friends, and fellow patients.

        Attempting to manage detox and recovery alone can be dangerous, especially for alcohol addiction, which requires medical supervision. Our rehab clinic in Cape Town offers comprehensive support to ensure clients recover safely and regain a sense of purpose in their lives.

        A dual diagnosis means a patient is struggling with both a substance use disorder and a co-occurring mental health condition like depression or anxiety. Treating both conditions simultaneously ensures the best chance of long-term recovery, as each disorder can exacerbate the other.

        Selecting a suitable rehab in Houghton is crucial for a successful recovery. Here are some essential factors to consider:

        • Track Record: Look for a facility with a proven track record in addiction recovery, indicating they’ve been successfully helping people for several years.
        • Licensing and Registration: Make sure the clinic is licensed and registered with the appropriate health departments, demonstrating compliance with regulatory standards.
        • Compassionate and Experienced Team: A knowledgeable and empathetic team ensures that you receive individualised care throughout your recovery journey.
        • Medical Detox Unit: If you’re struggling with substances like alcohol, detox can be dangerous. Choose a clinic offering medical supervision during detoxification.
        • Holistic Approach: Opt for a facility that considers the influence of your family, work, and social life on your recovery. This approach helps develop strategies that are practical and effective in real-world settings.
        • Insurance or Medical Aid Coverage: Ensure the clinic accepts health insurance or medical aid for more accessible treatment.

        Harmony Clinic provides a compassionate, comprehensive approach to treatment, offering all these factors to ensure patients receive holistic care.

        Addiction support in Cape Town varies based on the individual’s needs and the severity of addiction. Inpatient rehab programs offer an immersive, structured setting where patients live onsite and dedicate themselves entirely to recovery. For those who need to maintain their daily lives, outpatient programs offer regular therapy sessions while allowing them to remain at home.

        At Harmony Clinic, our team will guide you through both inpatient and outpatient options available across Cape Town. We’ll help you find a treatment plan that aligns with your lifestyle, ensuring the best chances for lasting recovery.

        A typical day at Harmony Clinic in Cape Town offers a blend of structured therapy sessions, holistic treatments, and leisure exploration activities. Mornings often begin with group therapy or counselling sessions, providing valuable peer support and professional guidance. 

        Midday activities include individual or group therapy sessions, followed by engaging group activities. Afternoons and evenings offer time for personal reflection, support meetings, exercise, or creative pursuits, creating a balanced routine. This holistic approach ensures patients experience therapeutic progress while fostering relaxation and personal growth.

        Rehabilitation programs at Harmony Clinic in Cape Town generally last between 21 and 63 days. This timeframe is designed to ensure thorough, personalised treatment that caters to the unique needs of each patient. The exact length is determined based on the severity of addiction, co-occurring mental health disorders, and individual treatment goals. Their programs emphasise a dual-diagnosis approach, offering tailored care that addresses both addiction and mental health challenges.

        During the treatment period, patients receive holistic support through a combination of therapeutic, medical, and wellness interventions. Harmony Clinic recognises that recovery is not a one-size-fits-all journey. They adapt program lengths according to each patient’s progress, providing flexibility in treatment duration while collaborating with medical aid to maximise accessibility.

        The clinic’s serene, supportive environment allows patients to focus on recovery without distractions. Beyond primary treatment, the facility includes aftercare planning and relapse prevention strategies, empowering patients to build a stable foundation for life beyond the clinic.

        Committing to rehab is a significant decision, but prioritising your health can lead to long-term benefits in your work and relationships. While rehabilitation may temporarily affect your responsibilities, outpatient programs offer flexibility for balancing family and work obligations. At Harmony Clinic in Cape Town, individualised care focuses on minimising disruption through flexible program lengths and comprehensive treatment. Their approach helps patients restore relationships and establish healthy habits that positively impact both personal and professional aspects of life, ensuring the recovery journey aligns with everyday commitments.

        The clinic’s dual-diagnosis programs are designed to address addiction and underlying mental health issues, creating a supportive environment where patients can focus on healing. Their strategies empower individuals to balance recovery with life’s obligations, ultimately leading to a healthier lifestyle.

        Cape Town’s rehab centres are open to international patients and attract those seeking specialised care in a nurturing environment. The combination of top-tier healthcare and serene surroundings makes it an excellent destination for recovery. With a range of programs tailored to diverse cultural backgrounds and medical needs, the facilities offer inpatient and outpatient care. This inclusive atmosphere ensures that individuals worldwide receive holistic support for lasting recovery, while the scenic landscape and recreational activities enhance the therapeutic journey and facilitate healing.

        Moreover, Cape Town’s rich culture provides a supportive escape for those leaving stressful environments to focus on recovery. Many centres simplify the transition by assisting with logistics such as travel arrangements and visas. Whether local or international, all patients can find comprehensive and compassionate care in Cape Town’s rehab centres.

        Yes, many rehabilitation programs recognise the importance of family involvement in recovery. Family therapy and educational sessions are often encouraged to create a network of support that is essential for long-term recovery. These sessions aim to increase understanding, promote healing, and provide tools that can help family members offer effective support.

        At Harmony Clinic, their dedicated team provides comprehensive programs that include families in the recovery journey. Contact the clinic to learn how their rehab programs in Cape Town can guide you towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Their tailored approach ensures your family becomes an integral part of your path to recovery.

        Contact Us

        We believe that we are the last facility that you or your loved one will need to visit, as we will offer you the best chance of getting through this. If you need help for yourself or a loved one, kindly get in touch.

        Call: +27 (0)21 790 7779
        Address: 7 Valley Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa.  

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